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Prosperium Global Solutions Corp, is a sustainable, triple bottom line company, creating prosperity for communities by combining the latest advances in year-round growing systems to accelerate and rebalance the Earth’s carbon cycle.  

Our programs combine the world's most cost effective and proven successful natural biological processes for CO2 removal from the atmosphere and massive sequestration of this carbon into the soil food web.

This builds a virtuous and thriving improved carbon economy where the valuable income producing process of CO2 removal actually incentives stakeholders to simultaneously increase soil fertility, achieve higher agricultural production and improve global food security.  

This Win-Win opportunity  powerfully motivates and accelerates  planetary regeneration by combining increased crop profitability with additional revenues from carbon credit income.  

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

Albert Einstein




Examples of our novel agricultural products, technologies and practices

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Mission Statement

Our mission is to help make global communities more sustainable by combining advanced agricultural technologies for maximum possible soil carbon sequestration and improved soil fertility.  We are committed to introduce both  traditional and innovative block-chain Token programs to gain the additional income and valuable societal benefits of CO2 removal through grassroots access to the emerging Carbon Exchange Markets. 




Environmental and Social Degradation

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Our Fundamentals


Our principal goal is to bring natural soil carbon fixing biological products to the global community combined with the added value and income of carbon credits.  We plan to solve the illiquidity, opacity and inefficiency of present day carbon credit markets and methodology using both traditional and block-chain financial mechanisms.  The TeamGigaCarbon process democratizes the New Carbon Economy through block chain technology and brings the direct benefits of Carbon fixing in the soil throughout the world.  It engages and rewards at the grassroots level to bring health, long-term growth and sustainability to the planet.


We will achieve our principal goals by providing an expanding international community with proven successful new and improved biological soil fertility boosters which progressively adds beneficial tons of carbon to the soil food web. The additional income from valuable carbon credits combine to create a wonderful positive feed-back loop using problematic CO2 as a low/no cost feedstock for the creation of increasing levels of valuable soil carbon.  


The participating global community will generate strong profits to support the growth of this business model, by enabling the efficient and cost-effective use of innovative technology to meet the nutritional, employment, and food security needs of communities everywhere. Recovering CO2 from the atmosphere on a grand scale and sequestering in soil has immense and undisputed value with significant environmental and all the other perceived benefits familiar to the general population.

What We Offer

  •  New and Advanced Proven Successful Agricultural Technologies
  • Novel and Innovative Programs for adding value through Verified Carbon Credits
  • Energy efficient, highly affordable, natural materials
  • Rapid Return on Investment

Official Registration with X-Prize Carbon Removal Competition

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Tons of Carbon from the Air to the Soil?

Simple and Proven!

Cost per Ton of CO2 Captured =Less than 1$

How is this possible?

Because: The financial benefits in the form of increased crop yields and animal carrying rates are more profitable and exceed the expense of the BEAM soil management process

How Much Land Is Needed to Capture One Gigaton of CO2?

(The Goal of the X-Prize Carbon Removal Competition)

One Gigaton of CO2 = one Billion metric tons (1,000,000,000)

BEAM with dense grazing will capture and add 20 metric tons of carbon to the soil/year/hectare

=  74 tons of CO2 = 13,513,513 hectares

13,513,513 hectares=135,135 sq. kilometers=52,175.9 square miles = 228.4 miles square

Grazing land would be perfectly acceptable so croplands would not need to be displaced.

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Direct Air Capture (DAC) of Carbon

BEAM Natural DAC    vs   Chemical (Un-Natural) DAC


Natural Carbon Dioxide Removal From the Air



Cost per Ton of CO2 Captured = Less than 1$


BEAM + Intensive Rotational Grazing

20 Tons of Carbon Added to Soil / Hectare/Year

 Studies by Dr. Johnson show a 25-times increase in active soil fungal biomass and an annual average capture and storage of 10.27 metric tons soil carbon/ hectare/ year (approximately 38,000 pounds of CO2 /acre/year)  Nearly doubles (74,000 metric tons of CO2 /acre/year) with ruminants.

Added BEAM Benefits

Improves germination and growth rates

Increase crop yields 50-100% or more

Improve water infiltration and retention

Better soil nutrient availability

Increases soil carbon sequestration

Decreased need for fertilizer

Reduces water usage up to 6 times


Many proponents of huge expenditures in the attempt to mitigate climate change by reducing CO2 emissions base their opinions on doomsday predictions of species extinction and an unliveable planet if this is not accomplished 'at any cost.'

The rush to carbon removal technologies that are exorbitantly expensive is clearly not indicated when all factors are objectively and clearly considered.

The coming decade will have enormous disruptions in energy, transportation,  information, food and materials. (Rethinking Humanity - a Film by RethinkX).  Great focus and attention is needed to successfully address these issues and if huge sums of funds are diverted from the world's economy unnecessarily with expensive mitigation technologies promoted from the top down, the peoples of the world will be not be well served.



Carbon Engineering, Kemper Project

Mechanical/Chemical DAC


Cost per Ton of CO2 Captured = 1200$


Climeworks’ direct air capture operation(Cost of CE facility = 15$ Million and can capture 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide a year) is much more expensive. On the company’s website, individuals can buy offsets that cost more than $1,200 a ton. Bulk buyers can get them cheaper. “I bought out their capacity and I got volume discount,” (Bill) Gates said in an interview last month. “I think that may be at $600 [a ton]




Carbon Engineering (CE) (with funding by Bill Gates) was founded more than a decade ago with the mission to develop and commercialize affordable and highly scalable carbon removal technology.  A 2011 report from the American Physical Society estimated that it may cost between $600 and $1,000 per metric ton of CO2 captured from the air.  Academics used to think that direct air capture would be too expensive for any practical purposes. They still tend to think that for carbon capture and storage more broadly

But even at ....(a) $100 price, removing all of humanity's annual carbon emissions would cost more than $5 trillion per year, according to Gates' book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster." That would require 50,000 Orca plants.


"It's probably the most expensive solution," Gates wrote.

(In addition to the DAC he advocates he is also partnering with his close friend Warren Buffet to build a nuclear reactor in Wyoming.)